A Small Shift Can Change Everything

Are you a high-achieving woman, who is stuck or struggling in your marriage and doesn’t know what to do? Are you in a committed relationship and wondering about your commitment? Are you at the end but don’t want it to end? Maybe you’re not there yet but you see it coming.

I understand that you feel sad, confused, hurt, and worn out. You’re thinking things like:

“I don’t know if I can keep doing this.”

“I don’t know if I want to keep doing this.”

“I don’t want my relationship to end but I just don’t know what else I can do.”

“I’ve read every book, tried everything, and nothing seems to be working.”

“Have I made a mistake?”

My name is Avery Stephenson. I’m a Certified Relationship Coach working with women just like you because I know that no woman should suffer in quiet desperation when it is possible for her life to be dramatically better.

Let me tell you a quick story:

There was a time when I was on the way out the door in my own relationship. I didn’t want to get a divorce but I sure as heck didn’t want to continue experiencing my marriage in the way that I was.

If I stayed, I wanted it to be from a place of love. If I left, I wanted it to be from a place of love. There just had to be a way for things to get better.

I was introduced to a lady who showed me a different way. She offered me new tools and new skills. I came to a place where my actions and choices were coming from love and power. I came to believe that no matter what, my life was going to get better. And it did.

The hope that I offer you is this. . .

As a result of working with me, women discover that their relationships can be changed and do change, sometimes radically.

The work begins with you. You do not have to go to couples therapy to create a better experience in your relationship. (Although, if you both want to, by all means, please do.) You have the power, all by yourself, to create something different because this is what YOU want.

You can arrive at the place where your actions and choices come from love and power, rather than resentment or fear. You can have a better experience in your relationship - no matter what. This has been true for me. This is true for my clients.

If you want better, there is hope. We can do this together. I will show you how to make small changes that will alter everything.

I promise you it will be one of the most worthwhile things you ever do. And you don’t have to do it alone.

Schedule a call with me and let’s set about creating a transformation in your life for the better.


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Individual Coaching by phone or Zoom.

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