Hi! I’m Avery. Welcome to the journey.


I’m so glad you’re here. My hope is you’ll stick around and give this thing a try. It is absolutely worth it. No matter the outcome.

A little about me. . .

I’m from a pretty traditional family and the eldest child. Like many people, my life didn’t go the way I would have planned it out.

My gift is helping people create a life they love and live the best version of themselves. Today, I see that all of my experiences, even the wrong turns, help me help others.

I am a certified professional coach specializing in relationships. I have been through that fire and know what it takes to come out the other side.

Because I believe in the power of coaching, I have a coach and daily do the work to continually create a life I love.

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My wonderful hubby is a little crazy and makes me laugh - which is a good thing because I tend to take myself too seriously. I’m a bonus mom with a great relationship, and I get suckered by my black lab on a regular basis.

I’ve learned to love and honor myself and have healthy relationships. God and I are good.

The work I do is too amazing to call a job.

My highest values are Peace (#1), Acceptance, Compassion, Faith, Gratitude, Responsibility, and Vulnerability.